Pete Kiehart is an American visual journalist and artist who splits his time between Washington, D.C. and Paris, France. Previously, he worked for The San Francisco Chronicle, where he was a visuals editor and photographer.

Pete has produced images for Apple, Starbucks, The World Food Programme, and CNN Courageous, and contributed reporting as a guest on BBC RadioBBC Television, and In addition to working regularly as a photojournalist and portrait photographer, Pete also has experience with videography and video production, as well as writing and designing. He has also found work as a bike mechanic and a lifeguard, in case you were wondering. Before going freelance, he worked at Reportage by Getty Images, CNN and ONCE Magazine.

Pete has maintained a close relationship with The Eddie Adams Workshop since attending the Sixteenth Workshop as the High School Photographer of the Year. He has supported the workshop in numerous positions including as assistant producer of the workshop, as workshop photographer and as a member of the faculty.

Pete holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy Studies from Duke University and has completed Hostile Environment and First Aid Training as a beneficiary of the Rory Peck Trust. Before transferring to Duke, he spent two years studying at Ohio University’s School of Visual Communication. When not working with photography and photographers, Pete enjoys riding bicycles, traveling, and making people laugh.

Pete has done editorial work for:

The New York Times Paris Match The Washington Post
Newsweek The BBC The Guardian Weekend Magazine
The Intercept AARP Die Zeit
The Sunday Times Buzzfeed Maclean's
Getty Images ESPN PARADE
Motherboard The Daily Beast ABC News
Roads & Kingdoms Dagbladet Information WIRED

Many of my images are available as custom prints - if you're interested in purchasing a print, please email me with subject line: Print Request. Print sales help fund my work and pay for expenses while covering under-reported topics.

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All images copyright Pete Kiehart or The San Francisco Chronicle unless otherwise noted. Don't steal photos.